Access to healthcare
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Our approach to access to healthcare
澳门葡京赌博游戏正在努力确定获得医疗资源和服务的障碍——例如经济和供应障碍——并进行创新,以可持续和公平的方式提供改变生活的药物, including through global, regional and local public-private partnerships.
这方面的核心是澳门葡京赌博游戏对促进预防措施的承诺, increasing access to diagnostics and treatment, 加强卫生系统的可持续性和复原力.
Our focus areas
Equitable access
推动整个产品组合公平地获得医疗保健服务, through digital health, clinical trial diversity, patient centricity, investing in rare diseases, 开放创新和知识产权共享安排.
Affordability and pricing
增加各种药物的可及性, equitable and inclusive patient groups, through company policy and programming, 包括核心定价原则和准入计划, 同时解决获取和负担能力方面的障碍.
Health system resilience
通过与利益攸关方合作制定基于研究的建议,加强卫生系统, 倡导卫生系统政策改革和能力建设,以加强卫生服务的提供, including through community investment. 澳门葡京赌博游戏还支持在受人道主义紧急情况影响的社区继续提供医疗服务.
Our ambition by 2025:
Reach 50 million
Train 170,000
Increase collaboration
Our achievements
66.4 million
13.6 million
*as at December 2023. Source: Sustainability Report 2023
Our access to healthcare highlights
Healthy Heart Africa
发起“非洲心脏健康计划”是为了解决非洲心血管疾病的增长问题, 目标是到2025年高血压患者人数达到1000万, achieved in 2024. Partnering with governments, healthcare providers and local communities, 卫生保健和保健服务现在帮助解决非洲心脏和肾脏疾病日益加重的社会和经济负担.
The PHSSR is a non-profit, multi-sector, 由伦敦经济学院于2020年成立的全球合作组织, the World Economic Forum and AstraZeneca, 有一个统一的目标,即通过建立更具可持续性和抵御力的卫生系统来改善全球卫生. 它现在活跃在全球30多个国家.